The Strike Gold X CORLECTION 7oz Loopwheeled Tee (Burgundy)
When it comes to loopwheel garments, The Strike Gold is one of the best in the business!
After nearly a year of waiting we have just received these The Strike Gold X CORLECTION 7oz Loopwheeled Tees for you to enjoy!
From the accuracy of construction to the fabrication methods, TSG are the kings of high-quality wardrobe staples and have spent decades refining their garments to fit better and last longer.
This special run of loopwheeled tees has a slightly longer vertical length compared with the original version which makes for a more fashionable fit for most of you!
The specially developed loopwheel fabric has a soft texture but with a substantial feeling. With time, the softness will become enhanced and the tee will retain its shape thanks to the extra heavy cotton thread used for construction.
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