Pure Blue Japan "Storm" Double Gauze Shirt
September 12, 2016

Pure Blue Japan "Storm" Double Gauze Shirt

Looking for some nice indigo dyed shirt? we got some new shirt from Pure Blue Japan's latest collection. Those of you who familiar with PBJ, you might know that Pure Blue Japan always has a really limited collection for the tops. Every new release, they will do something new and different that means they always have to create some new fabric.Of course, they will never gonna make you down!

Like this new double gause shirt, taking inspiration from the famous "Storm Rider" denim jacket design, Pure Blue Japan create this amazing double gauze fabric which goes with an ultra deep indigo dyeing for the shell and a "blanket" pattern inside. The "gauze" fabric is super light and silky, and you can see how amazing that Pure Blue Japan weaved it into one layer of 6.5oz fabric. We don't need to say any more about how amazing it will age to… Since the fabric is so unique, you will see a very light shade of blanket pattern coming through the ageing little by little.

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Pure Blue Japan