Welcome to chapter One of our new 'Story Series' with Momotaro Jeans!
Back to history! Momotaro (aka Peach Boy) was born to be a warrior to defeat the ONI Demon with the help of his allies. This is where the 'GOING TO BATTLE' concept comes from. The ONI DEMON controls his ISLAND, from the wind, the sand to the volcanoes.
Join the battle in this specially developed 14.7oz copper label denim. Unlike the standard copper label denim which uses genuine indigo, these are dyed with grand indigo for a darker tone & a more contrasted future ageing. This denim is uneven textured like the harsh ONI ISLAND! You’ll see some strong contrast fading with texture in time!
For the fellas who love a subtle coloured inseam stitch, we went for a smokey black thread colour which will fade with the denim thanks to the over-dyed colour.
With the copper label cotton arc stitches inverted to represent the ONI-DEMON HORNS, defeat the demon as they break away with long time usage.
With the OG copper label as the major fly button its a classic look, but look closely and discover the ‘smoke blacked out’ smaller buttons. Watch 'em age to a golden peach colour with time!
These feature the classic natural indigo dyed inner yoke lining and special ‘bloody’ soft, mid-weight canvas pocket bags with the ONI demon printed.
To finish off, these come with a natural indigo dyed deerskin patch with an embossed design. The embossed Kanji Characters "惡魔暴統集結" translates to "Violent Demon Squad". With time, the leather patch will age to a pale-soulful look as guaranteed!
Click here to purchase!