Samurai "Bonsai" Cotton Bandana
March 12, 2025

Samurai "Bonsai" Cotton Bandana

Taking inspiration from the traditional Japanese Bonsai culture, Samurai would like to express Japanese philosophy with quality!

Made of thread-dyed selvage cotton twill, the fabric is slowly woven from the vintage machine. The pattern is skilfully discharge printed to create a subtle yet contrasting look. In this pattern, it is printed with < 諸行無常,是生滅法,生滅滅已,寂滅為樂 > that means "Nothing is permanent, Only Birth and death are promised, Everything is on the circle, Eliminate the ego is the only way to get enlightened."

If you are looking for a collectable quality bandana, we think this bandana is the very one!

Grab Navy here

Grab Red here
