Samurai S511XX 25oz 20th Anniversary (Slim Tapered Fit)
September 10, 2018

Samurai S511XX 25oz 20th Anniversary (Slim Tapered Fit)

It’s the 20th anniversary, you know it’s gonna be special!

This is a pair of 25oz denim you’ll really want to wear everyday! Made with long fibre cotton, the denim has a smooth surface and a really satisfying, rigid feeling.

If you’ve got an eye for details, you’ll spot the inverted A in the red tab, this signifies it’s a special edition piece!

For the pocket bags, Samurai have used a super durable indigo and silver grey indigo woven fabric. You can also see they’ve used this to line the back pockets, so comfy!

When you button these one’s up, you’re in for a surprise. Each Iron button has been skilfully plated with 24K gold! 

With so many hidden details from Samurai’s elaborate story, these are the perfect heavyweight pair of jeans for real fans of Japanese culture.

Click here to buy

